Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Part Two – 1980s – 1990s

In 1980, the first games ever to be registered were Atari’s ‘Lunar Lander’ and there big hit ‘Asteroids’ which gave them full control. But it wasn't all great for video games, as in 1983 the video game industry collapsed and was named understandably ‘video game crash of 1984’.

This was due to a number of reasons but the main being company's piling in money to produce new games but with not enough costumers buying them. Which in turn led to a number of company's that produced home computers and video game consoles to go bankrupt. This halted what was going to be the second generation of video games.

One thing i read that really shocked me was that Atari had made so many Pac-Man cartridges than there were systems made, resulting in there other game ‘E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial’ having many unsold cartridges......so.....Atari’s answer to that was to dump thousands of them in land fill! DAM!

But thankfully gaming picked up again a few years later due to the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and it being bundled with ‘Super Mario Bros’ which was an instant success.

It was released in 1985 and became wide spread in 1987, dominating North America and Japan until the next generation consoles were brought out in the 1990s. Cant believe i have never played on one....RIGHT tiz one of my goals to do so now!

By this time, consoles and even handhelds were beginning to overtake arcades. The game pad took over from joysticks/paddles, and games were getting better.

The games we know of today, Legend of Zelda came out in 1986 and with the Japanese company ‘Square’ trying for one last go to make a game.....Final Fantasy in 1987, became the most successful RPG game.

Games were moving on up in a number of different ways and from cartridges were moving to Cd's due to the impracticality of having them on floppy disks.

Sony brought out the PlayStation in 1994 (JPN) and 1995 (EU) as a fifth generation console. On release there were a number of good game titles in different genres that went on to be sequels.

Game History Part 2

Again......took over my uncle's PlayStation console...... and tried flexing my thumbs against them......i held my own pretty well for saying i was against two 20+ year young uncles. Seen as it was my uncles console there was a healthy stack of games for me to play.....Die Hard Trilogy, Mortal Combat etc.....

I think that's where my love for PlayStation started......I remember getting my PS2......again from my mum! haha and then going back to the PS1......I swear i was finding it hard to distinguish the car from the road whilst racing on Grand Turismo. The graphics took quite a jump.

Oh talking of when i first got my PS2, that's also when i found my second love.......Grand Theft Auto......yep my mum bought me at aged 12/13....GTA III......she had no idea what the game was about hehe.

If you know me well, i would be shocked if you didn't know that the GTA series is my all time favorite game......but that's for another blog, for now i must carry on with this one ^_^

Friday, 28 November 2008

*_* Donnie Darko *_*

I watched this film and....DAM....Its confuzzling but great.....I love it....After talking about it and hearing others opinion on it i started to see what they meant......Two Worlds?!?!?....Existing in both...Wah....Truly mind scrambling.....I definitely would recommend people see it.......But now I'm off to watch it for the 5th time YAYz...Gaaah....Im hooked *___*

Monday, 10 November 2008

31 Years Before Wahhhh!!!

Part one - 1950s – 1970s

After looking at a number of sources i have come to the conclusion that the first game was called ‘Tennis for Two’ (although there's information on a game called ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ that was created in 1952).

Created by William Higinbotham in 1958......wow 31 years before i was born O_O.....‘Tennis for Two’ was programed on an laboratory oscilloscope. Hmm need to search about that machine. Ahhh yus ^_^...... Oscilloscope is a machine that allows you to see signal voltages. This then shows up as waves on its screen. His intentions for doing this was to amuse the visitors who attended open days at his place of work.

Ahhhh.....SpaceWar! ........created in 1962, was invented by Steve Russell. He used a MIT PDP-1 mainframe computer to produce SpaceWar. This was the worlds first fully interactive video game and was also the first game intended for the computer. Its one of the most copied concepts in video game history. The game...as its name says....was war in space.....where the object of the game was to take down the other player and vice versa.

A coin operated arcade version of SpaceWar was created by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney in 1971, and renamed 'Computer Space'. Although it wasn't that successfully due to its game play......it was still a big step for gaming as it was the first in mass production and commercial sale.

In 1972, Atari was born. The word Atari was a mix of words from a game called 'GO'....... Then in the same year Pong came along.......ooh haha i like that...anyways......Pong, based on table tennis had simple graphics, the ball being a cluster of pixels and rectangles for the bats that were white with a black background. 19,000 Pong machines were sold which created many different imitations of the game to be made.

In 1978, the company 'Tatio' released Space Invaders for arcade which was a big success, making other manufacturers step into the arcade world....thus arcade gaming entered its golden age.

In 1979 Atari released Asteroids.....which was another big seller...enough so that Atari actually stopped work on another game they were going to release to keep up with the demands of Asteroids.

Then in 1979/1980 came titles such as Pac-Man.....WOO!.....which made colour arcades more popular to play....By this time arcade machines were wide spread.

Gaming History Part 1

Hmm.....well from what i can remember my first taste of games was when my mum bought me a saga mega drive one Christmas..... ahha...oh...yus! that means i can remind her every time she tells me to get off my console that in fact....... it was her doing!

Mwahahaha.......anyway back to my gaming history.....I think i was about 5/6 years old and i can remember coming back from school and going straight on Mickey Mania.....Oh yus fun game even to this day haha.....ooh and a game were i used my epic gun to splat things with tomatoes.....loved it ^_^

I then inherited my uncle's game boy.....or just never gave it back ......which let me game on the move......Hmm.....then i guess it just spiraled out of control.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Erm H..hiya

H..Hello ^_^

I'm Fiona as you have probably guessed......I have really not been looking forward to doing the blog but cant put it off any more....I apologize for any rubbish i might come out with but here's hoping it gets better......*gulp* here it goes ^_^